Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 49.

Recently busy with my work..
working night shift de.
when i wake up, u are at sch or with ur friends.
when i end work, u tired and fall asleep le.
so doesnt have much time to tok to u..
but sometimes when i end work,
i still receive ur msg which makes me feel so nice and happy.
and when i reach home, u are still online..
i still have time to chat abit abit with u..

even though de abit doesnt help much, but im still happy. =)

even though ur time and my time is abit different now,
but still hope i can catch up abit of ur something.
cause i still care. 还很想你.

Hurt So Bad this song, really very nice.
its like another 過火 song.
every single sentence is how i feel like telling u..
have to thanks yh for singing that song that day.

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