and also got autograph session for their book.
so me and my cousin Ben went there. =)
my cousin reach at 6am. i reach at 9.
and of course cut his q la. lol!
anyway. thanks ben for de q. =pp
after my autograph with them..
de stage.. sooo many ppl... zzz
after that my cousin say at lot1,
got Jam's autograph session too.
so we both decide to go there..
de thingy 3 start, he 4 then reach. zzz
he sang wang fei and another dunno what song.
and ta hen shuai..!! =)
season came back! soo miss her.
she first saw me straight call me le.
soo guai. and ethan didi 1years old le!!! =p
de next day..
decide to meet eric at his house to lend oven.
to try to make cookies for laogong.
laogong heaven come back la.
just testing only. first time make cao da.
cause i forget to tell him need to take out and cool down.
zzzz then his house all de cao da smell. lol!
me yh eric anne kun also go watch movie..
Poker King. Gu Tian Le act de.
not bad leh de show. quite funny de. =)
become like this..
put at plate.
put in oven for 15 min?? i forget le. lol.
de cookie bake come out not bad leh. lloll.
quite nice to eat de. because no time.
so eric baked all finish and eat. haha.
when laogong coming back, i bake again!!
after de cookies thingy. we started to play mahjong..
before watching movie we also got play.
come back play again lor. play without money very nice to play.
play with money.... zzz not nice to play le.
cause xiao jie no money.. haha.
guys.. next next week we continue play ok?
quite nice to play with de 3 of uuu.. =p
next week eric not free. so cant play.
so next next week we mahjong and fondue!!!
seeya guys! missya.. =p
missssssssssssssssss meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!!!!
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