me and my shin stead 2 years liao le. so happy for both of us! =)
after so many quarrel feng feng yu yu and alots of things finally we 2 year together le.
wont forget May 12 de. =p
on that day we went to eat sakae again. cause nice ma. then we like to eat also so we go eat lor. at first i thought wont have supper buffet. cause eric say fri sat sun only. then we go in they say got buffet. then we take buffet one lor. shin at first ate 6 tako. 1 set of 2. so that means he ate 3 sets lor. then de move sushi de thing dun have we one de thing. so we call de person order. then we order lor. we order 5 chawa. something like steam egg. then i order 5 plate i think, of sushi and stuffs. then shin order wrong. he keep think he one how many tako. then he count he say he one 6 tako. de person shock. then order 6 for him lor. then shin think think tell me. he say die. he order wrong. he say he one 6 tako mean 3 set. but de person order 6 sets for him. hahahaha then de tako send wrong table. send to de person behind us. then de person make it clear liao take to our table. thsoe ppl saw our tako got shock. cause shin order so so so many tako. eat until siao. he pro enough. he love tako. he eat left 1 or 2 tako then never eat liao. means he eat up about 17 takos. lol. then we get in is about 930. we 10 jiu go le. cause 10 all close liao. no fun de. sit a while only. lol. i bough him shirts and perfume. he bough me a bag. from "Gucci" =p
Shin's all time fav.! HIS TAKO!!
he xiao qi me la. lol.
de chawa we ate.
de things i ordered. but didnt finish up. haha.
when we are going soon i took this pic.
thats how much things we ate up.
he dun like de flash light. thats why he close his eyes.
we LOVE to SLEEP! sleep and smile =)
de bag he bought! love it love it LOVE IT! hahaha!
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