went to ps to look for cd shops but ps de cd shop closed down already.
so decide to go to heeren hmv.
heeren hmv also closed down. zzz!
then walk all de way to taka gramaphone to get shero..
nowadays cd shops hard to find. zzz
one by one all closed down, cause we all got internet to dl can already.
no need to waste money buy cds.
cousin told me that got free files too.
but didnt get it, cause de person never give me..
will go collect my files asap!
de album inside those photos is super chio one.
nice until i keep see and see. photoshop until soooooo niiceee! =)
this is de album.
got white version and black version.
this is white. with shero cd and concert dvd.
black is with shero cd and fm s.h.e. mv dvd.
white is sooo chio..
so took a pic with my white spects. lol.
with my s.h.e. jigsaw puzzle that i fix it myself. =p
de album song not very nice not not nice.
but de album book very nice.
remember April 18 Sunday 3pm at Plaza Singapura.
S.H.E Autograph Session. MUST GO!
must buy album too!! =)