thanks ppl who comment me too.
thanks alot guys!
and alice, i got ur mail le. thanks too! =)
never reply u cause my com is down.
so my title today is contact lens!
i online bought a few contact lens. bought 6.
2 is handsome one. 4 is mine.
one i wear like nth de. one no stock.
need to wait de next spree.
and another 2. one wear le de eye got star star.
one is crazy lens. The Cat Eye~!! wahahaha.
got take photo show u all la. =)
actually, i got so many things to upload.
my birthday one i also heaven upload.
maybe next post is my birthday de bah.
sry that i super super long never blog le.
cause this few days i fall sick and not feelin well.
sooo... seeya soon ok!
not so clear.. blurr~
close up.. saw de star? got 9 star!
wahaha. de fierce one.
Cat Eye~!! chio ma? wahahha
miss me~!!!!!! =)